After using felt tip pens for one of my Punk pieces, I tried to look for other practitioners who similarly use this medium to increase my understanding around this medium and where my work stands contextually amongst other artists.
It was quite hard to find but I've found out that Felt tip pens (as well as coloured pencils) are namely for children. It represents a a child like innocence and naivety. Also, it's a method of teaching "boundaries" at a early age, where you have to make sure you "color within the lines".
image credits: the telegraph (online) |
Kareen Hewbert in response to Emily Robertson (Book author)
I like her use of mark making and layering colours upon each other. The variation makes it interesting, some lines are thick, some thin, some of the colouring is dense, some cross hatchy, some smudged and some incomplete.Holly Whales (felt tip marker illustrator)
She creates a range of stunning work using bright colors, She uses the felt tips in a way that looks personal and shows self expression.
After looking at these, I feel I can remake the image and letterform's of my felt tip peice of "God Save the Queen". This has convinced me that felt tips (when used appropiately) can be a good medium despite it being associated with children.