Friday, 25 March 2016

Pictorial sketches of Beatles songs

These are the first out of a series of sketches, I'm trying to interpret what Sergant Peppers would look like if it was graphical. I'm translating something that is sound into something that is pictorial. I was listening to each track while I was abstracting them into line / shape/ icons.

I have come across two different ways of working.


When listening to some of these tracks, certain icons came to mind and I drew what I could see in my minds eye. Some of these are from lyrics,or a geometric shape that represents the mood of the song.

This one is Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I drew diamond shapes as diamonds, for some reason I drew eyes. Not entirely sure why there are leaves and almond shapes though.

For Good Morning, I drew things that fit into the theme of a brand new sunny day. Such as clouds, sunshine, wavy lines and sounds such as barking or a Rooster

This song When I'm Sixy Four which is about growing old with someone special. I actually had quite a lot of fun with this one. I drew kisses and hearts because the song was about a woman. This gave it a certain sense of naivety to it which adds to the charm. 

This one looks quite different from the rest of them. To me, it reminds me of the beach for some reason.

And I will be covering the continuous line sketches in my next post...