Wednesday 30 March 2016

Developing a continuous line style

By building upon what I had done with my initial line drawings in the blog post: continuous line drawings of Beatles Songs I plan to develop this further by concentrating on line and the quality of line.

Below is a image of one of many drawings I did with a brush pen. They look quite messy and the line is a bit all over the place. 

After doing many of these, I decided to move onto finer line and what I can do to make it look like a pattern whilst maintaining a continuous line throughout. This is a drawing of the Beatles song: Getting Better. 

At the moment my style is freehand, I'm not worried about making it perfectly circular. I think the looseness of it will help express the flow of music better.

I'm starting to to get a better picture of the types of lines that each song produces when I try to visualise it. I will use these to make bigger EP sized designs of multiple songs rather than individual ones.