Owen really likes the minimalism idea because there is a focus on the webpage. It feels a lot less cluttered.
He prefers this over the black design because it looks more sparse and modern.
The dark color scheme one probably doesn't work as well because the white on black is harder to read. And you need good strong bright images for this sort of thing. (inspiration from the exhibition interface)
An example of minimalism that he likes is how the software “FXpansion” has changed (the program that he creates his music on.) The interface has gone for a cleaner and more simple user interface look. It’s a lot less cluttered but there is still a way to expand the toolkit for more advanced features. Whereas, with the old interface it was always really large and cluttered looking.
He thinks the Biro textured idea is nice. If there was an
installation for Biro, there would be different materials you could feel and
touch. Biro’s image are very earthy and natural looking. A possible idea could
be to put texture onto each different track’s portfolio. So for example, the
washing machine is more industrial/ metallic, and the metronome is more harmonising.
However, he wants a unifying style still so he doesn’t want it too busy or
different from each other. (A collective)
Owen is interested in mechanical objects, so clogs, wheels, kinetic objects etc.
The steakpunk clock is interesting because Owen uses real physical objects to generate sound.
Whereas, with the steampunk guitar it suggests deconstruction and melding pipes on the guitar. Sonic sounds is more about being natural and not taking it apart.
He really likes the logo! He wants to change it to sonic machines instead of sounds. And to try and experiment with lower case to see what it will look like. He likes the more steampunk like one because It puts the gears in context, otherwise it becomes ambiguous what it is supposed to be. (font used: "Time to get a watch"
With the homepage layout he is happy with what I put on
there because the tracks are what people want to get to first and a short
background, description about him and his work.
The portfolio page consists of 4 projects, and each one will
have content like music, sounds, video, pictures on it. Perhaps a slider could
be good approach? This is better than having separate links for each (music,
sounds, video) because then the navigation would be too deep. People don’t want
to go through multiple menu’s.