Monday 21 September 2015

Serenity Visual Shop page

Client notes

I've layed out the products in alphabetical order with linked images that go to your Facebook albums.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Serenity Visual Services page

First draft

I was explaining to the client my design choices and the different features of the website. It has been an useful experience working with someone who is less tech savy, in future this will help me to be less jargon-y when communicating with clients.

Finalised draft after amendments

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Serenity branding finalised design

Homepage design

I’ve been putting a lot of hours into your website and I’ve made some progress! I’ve produced a visual of what the finished website could look like. It is much easier to edit an image than it is to edit code so it will be more efficient for me to do it like this.

Last time I spoke to Sheila she said the previous design was too busy, so I’ve come up with a new idea based around her motif of the butterfly that represents her brand identity. The “heaven” image I took from her Facebook was eye catching but I think it drew the attention away from “Serenity-Ashburton”.